Research Projects for Young Independent Teams - 2021 Call
Project code: PN-III-P1-1.1-TE-2021-0963,
Project title: Hybrid
electrodes for detection and degradation of the cytostatics from water
Project Acronym: DDCyT
Total Funging: 450.000,00 lei
Project duration: 24 months
Project Leader: CS II Cornelia BANDAS
Tel: 0256222119
Fax: 0256201382
Financing Authority: Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitization, CNCS - UEFISCDI
Host Institution: National Institute for Research and Development in Electrochemistry and Condensed
Matter Timisoara -INCEMC
Project Abstract
drugs, are a group of pharmaceuticals which are employed in cancer treatment
and consumed in large quantities all over the world. These compounds are
considered the most hazardous contaminants in the water cycle, because of their
cytotoxic, mutagenic/teratogenic properties and are supposed to be harmful for
human and wildlife even at very low concentration. The classical detection
methods used for eliminating cytostatic drugs present in wastewater presents a
several disadvantages, but electrochemical methods present distinctive
advantages. Development of electrochemical sensors for the analysis of
pharmaceutically compounds with respect to their sensitivity, accuracy and
simplicity, has been study lately. Chemically modified electrodes have become
an important subject of research and have been used vastly for the
electrochemical sensing of biologically important compounds due to their
significant advantages.
This project
aim is the development of hybrid electrodes based on Ti-TiO2-rGO/Au/Ag
and Zn-ZnO-rGO/Au/Ag with dual function, detection and degradation of
cytostatics from water. These hybrid electrodes combine the synergistic
properties of the proposed structures, characterized by structural,
morphological and electrochemical specific properties suitable for
electrochemical detection and photoelectrochemical degradation of cytostatic
Project objectives
OI. Development and characterization of hybrid electrodes
based on Ti-TiO2-rGO/Au/Ag (type I) and Zn-ZnO-rGO/Au/Ag (type II)
OII. Testing and demonstrating the functionality of
hybrid electrodes for electrochemical detection and photoelectrochemical
degradation of DOX.
OIII. Comparative studies on the performances of the
hybrid electrodes in the detection processes, as well as the degradation
efficiency of the DOX from simulated water.
OIV. Dissemination of the project results. 4 scientific papers ISI; 6 presentations of international conferences;
2 requested patents application
Project Team
Eng. Cornelia BANDAS, PhD –
scientific reasearcher II, project leader - will
coordinate research activities according to the established work plan, will
ensure the proper management of funds; will plan the acquisition procedures
stipulated in this proposal for the optimal supply of the required materials
within the project time. She has research expertise in the synthesis of micro/nanonostructured
materials based on TiO2, development of synthesis installations for
obtaining new materials with multiple applications.
Eng. Corina ORHA,
PhD. – scientific researcher III - her research
activity is focused on the synthesis of micro- and nano-materials based on
functionalized materials and TiO2; morpho-structural
characterization of materials (SEM/EDX, UV-VIS); synthesis of nanomaterials;
electrochemical techniques for pollutants removal.
Eng. Aniela POP, PhD. – lecturer - lecturer at the „Politehnica”
University of Timisoara,
her scientific research activity focused on the directions: water and
wastewater treatment by electrochemical methods; electrochemical and
electroanalytical techniques; new sensor development based on carbon structures
Phys. Mihaela-Ionela BIRDEANU, PhD. – scientific
researcher II - high expertise in morphological
analysis (especially surface topography of various organic and inorganic (nano)
materials through AFM), multiple synthesis methods and characterization of
pseudo-binary oxide (nano) materials.
Cristian CASUT –PhD student at the „West” University of Timisoara, as
scientific researcher at INCEMC, his research expertise is related to synthesis
of semiconductor materials, structural characterization of the samples by XRD
and UV-VIS methods.
Eng. Mina-Ionela POPESCU – PhD student at the „Politehnica” University of Timisoara, as scientific researcher at INCEMC, has
research expertise in the synthesis of micro/nanostructured materials;
photocatalytic techniques process; inorganic chemistry synthesis.
Eng. Mircea NICOLAESCU – PhD student at the „Politehnica” University of Timisoara, as scientific researcher at INCEMC, his
research expertise is focused on the development of laboratory installation;
materials synthesis and characterization; films deposition by spin-coating and
Dr. Blade; development of the supports for electrodes.
In cadrul etapei I
„Dezvoltarea si caracterizarea morfo-structurala si electrochimica a
electrozilor hibrizi pe baza de Ti-TiO2-rGO/Au/Ag (tipul I) si
Zn-ZnO-rGO/Au/Ag (tipul II)”
au fost realizate activitati stiintifice de cercetare care au presupus
obtinerea si caracterizarea morfologica, structurala, optica si electrochimica
a electrozilor hibrizi pe baza de Ti-TiO2-rGO si Ti-TiO2-rGO/Au/Ag
(tipul I) precum si a electrozilor hibrizi pe baza de Zn-ZnO-rGO si
Zn-ZnO-rGO/Au/Ag (tipul II).
In cadrul acestei
etape au fost obtinute urmatoarele rezultate:
ü electrozii hibrizi pe baza de Ti-TiO2-rGO si
Ti-TiO2-rGO/Au/Ag (tipul I) au fost obtinuti prin mai multe metode de depunere: metoda „spin-coating”, „dip-coating” si metoda „in-situ” in conditii hidrotermale in camp de microunde.
ümetoda de obtinere in-situ in conditii hidrotermale in camp de microunde pentru obtinerea electrozilor
de Ti-TiO2-rGO reprezinta o noutate pe plan national si
international fiind brevetata in cadrul proiectului (cerere de brevet depusa
OSIM A/00482/09.08.2022).
ü electrozilor hibrizi pe baza de Zn-ZnO-rGO si
Zn-ZnO-rGO/Au/Ag (tipul II) s-a realizat prin doua metode de depunere: in-situ
in conditii hidrotermale in camp de microunde si metoda „dip-coating”.
ü pe baza rezultatelor morfo-structurale a fost selectata
ca si metode de depunere, metoda in-situ in conditii hidrotermale in camp de microunde si metoda „dip-coating”,
pentru ambele tipuri de electrozi hibrizi dezvoltati